Over 10,000 cannabis growers took part in our most recent survey (2020-2021). We are currently processing the data and writing up papers. We look forward to sharing the findings with you all.

This page hosts a copy of the International Cannabis Cultivation Questionnaire v2 (or ICCQ2). This file is an export from Qualtrics which is the program we used to host the survey. The file contains all question items and question logic, but does not contain more complex block logic.

For further details, including requests for collaboration, we invite you to contact the team directly.

Please cite our survey as follows:

Global Cannabis Cultivation Research Consortium. (2023). International Cannabis Cultivation Questionnaire 2.0. Available from https://worldwideweed.nl

Download the ICCQ2 pdf

Permanent link to this article: https://worldwideweed.nl/iccq2-2/